Our Daily Routine

Welcome and arrival - A member of the team will be at the door to meet you as you arrive. The children are encouraged to hang up their coats and bags on arrival, they are then greeted by a member of their class. Children are encouraged to find their names and self-register before settling into early morning activity.

Circle time/small group learning - This is our time to learn together as part of a group. Each session has a different planned focus. For example throughout the week activities may include maths, phonics, social skills and singing. 

Child initiated learning - We offer the children an extended period of time for child initiated learning so that they can become absorbed in activities of their choice, during this time staff support and extend the children's learning through active engagement and interactions. Children have free access to indoor and outdoor learning. 

Rolling snack time - Children are able to choose when they are ready for snack. The snack area is always supported by an adult and we believe in the value of sitting together where children enjoy the social opportunity of eating and talking together with their peers. We also use this time as an opportunity to develop the children's independence skills for example pouring their own drinks. 

Story-time  - We end the session with story time, this is one of our favourite times of the day! We often focus on one of our core texts, poems and rhymes. 

Home time - Staff will release the children to parents. Parents must inform us if someone else will be collecting their child. We operate a password system and will NOT release children to anyone unless we have parental consent and the password.

A member of staff is always at the gate. To keep our children are safe, we ask parents to ensure that they keep their children close to them when entering and leaving the school.


For 30 hours children the day continues with

Lunchtime -This is our time where we sit together, enjoying our lunch from home. We encourage conversation, talking about our morning and our news. It is a lovely social time with our friends. 

Child initiated second session

Story time and home time


Session times  

Morning nursery session - 8.45am - 11.45am

Afternoon nursery session - 12.30pm - 3.30pm

Children attend the nursery for a morning or afternoon session - Monday to Friday for their 15 hours of education. 

Session times for 30 hours are: 8:45am - 2:45pm, additional time can be purchased for 2:45pm - 3:30pm.
