Rye Park Nursery School

Rye Park Nursery School

'Nurturing Every Child To Fulfil Their Potential'

Welcome to Rye Park Nursery School.

Walton Road, Hoddesdon
Hertfordshire EN11 0LN


01992 462820

Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium Funding

Early Years Pupil Premium provides funding for children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits, such as income support, or who were formerly in local authority care but who left care because they were adopted or were subject to a Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements order.

We have been able to claim about £300 per year for children who meet the criteria for the funding. This additional funding has been used to support children’s development, learning and care in order to close the attainment gap.

The Early Years Pupil Premium Funding which Rye Park Nursery School Centre received has been used to make a contribution to the cost of a range of intervention and support programmes. This contribution ensures that all our children are supported in their learning and make the best possible progress. We track children’s progress and attainment through regular assessments and meetings with their key person. This enables us to measure the impact of the additional funding that we receive.

We are very keen to access EYPP funding so we can ensure that we are providing the best start for all of our children. All families will be asked to fill in the relevant section of the funding declaration form given out when their child joins our setting which will allow us to claim the funding for all eligible children. Eligibility is checked simply using a parent/carer’s National Insurance number.


Designated Staff

The school has identified EYPP children as a priority in the school development plan. We have allocated the following staff and governors to undertake a lead role in this area:

Mrs Ayla Caruso- Staff champion for EYPP and vulnerable groups. Responsible for planning and monitoring enrichment activities in the nursery classes.

Mrs Wendy Wright -Governor Champion

Click here to see The Rye Park Nursery School EYPP Strategy Statement 2023-24

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